Jeep Cherokee Trailhawk SUV 2.4i 9AT 4WD (2013)


SUV, 5 doors, gasoline 2360 cm3 177 HP, 9 gearbox, the drive is full, air conditioning, cabin fabric, ESP, alloy wheels

General information (Jeep Cherokee Trailhawk SUV 2.4i 9AT 4WD (2013))
Release date on the market 2013
Specifications (Jeep Cherokee Trailhawk SUV 2.4i 9AT 4WD (2013))
The type of car automobile
Body type SUV
Doors 5
Engine type gasoline
Engine 2 360 cm3
The number of cylinders 4
The engine 177 HP
Torque 229 Nm
Transmission automatic
The amount of gear 9
Drive full
Environmental standard EURO 6
Country brand USA
Dimensions and weight (Jeep Cherokee Trailhawk SUV 2.4i 9AT 4WD (2013))
Length 4 626 mm
Width 1 904 mm
Height 1 722 mm
Wheelbase 2 719 mm
Ground clearance 221 mm
The volume of the fuel tank 60 l
Curb weight 1 904 kg
Full weight 2 425 kg
Interior (Jeep Cherokee Trailhawk SUV 2.4i 9AT 4WD (2013))
Seat trim fabric
Air conditioning automatic 2-zone
The drive the Windows all doors
The drive
Heating side mirrors
Parking system
Cruise control
Built-in navigation
The steering wheel controls
Steering column adjustment
Radio 6 speakers
Interfaces AUX, USB, Bluetooth, Card reader
System "Smart Key"
Exterior (Jeep Cherokee Trailhawk SUV 2.4i 9AT 4WD (2013))
Camera "rear"
The light sensor and rain
Lights halogen
Headlamp washer
Daytime running lights
Fog lights
Options roof
Disks cast
Front tyres 245/65R17
Rear tyres 245/65R17
Fuel consumption (Jeep Cherokee Trailhawk SUV 2.4i 9AT 4WD (2013))
In the city 12 l/100 km
Outside the city 6.8 l/100 km
Mixed 8.8 l/100 km
Safety and driving (Jeep Cherokee Trailhawk SUV 2.4i 9AT 4WD (2013))
Air bags front, rear curtain, knee
Blocking system
The stability control system
Control tire pressure
The tracking system lane
Monitoring system "blind spots"
Automatic control of distant light
System "Stop-start"
Acceleration to 100 km/h 10.4 c
Maximum speed 187 km/h
Boot volume with seats folded 1 190 l
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